West Virginia Paintball Tournament 2003
Da Boys messin around
waiting for their call on deck.
Seth covering back left
as Smitty reloads his hopper.
Insane Dayz Young Guns Tournament 2003
This is Team Wickedfire coming
off the break at the Young Guns
Tournament in Chester, OH.
This is Backman Smitty fending
off opposing players as Beck
and G-Boy get closer to the 30
point flag.
Beck playing a left
side pop can.
Good action shot of Smitty
throwing paint across
the field.
Backmen, Smitty and Garrett,
providing the cover fire for
frontman, Seth, to get down the
Garrett taking two on
one during our first game
agianst Thunderball.
Beckner peaking over
top of a left side snake.
G-Boy (right) checking out the
right side of a pop can while
Smitty slides into the bunker next
to him.
This is G-Boy earning 30 points
as he makes a grab for the flag.
This is another break shot.
Beck is working the left side
of the field, G-Boy working
right and Smitty providing
the cover fire.